Jump Up and Down and Make Some Noise
It’s been an upheaval of sorts. When you begin a new habit, however small and seemingly insignificant it is, it will make a larger change in your life. It is a snowball effect. As a snowball rolls down a hill, it picks up more and more snow with each revolution. So, what started out as a tiny little snowball ended up as the base for a snowman.
What is my new habit?
I’ll tell you. It is after every hour that I am working,
which for me is writing; I will get up out of my chair and hoot. I make
some noise, I move around. I punch my fists in the air. I shake myself
out. I breathe deeply. It’s like a mini-session at the gym. It’s like
taking a run around the block.
It shakes out the cobwebs.
I’m just now trying it out. The idea of interrupting my
forward momentum is unusual for me. Hence, getting used to this new,
perhaps unorthodox, habit is the disruption. I am focusing more of my
attention on the movement, I stop myself perhaps half an hour into my
work to see, “Is it time yet?”
There are also lots of places on YouTube where you can find
timed sessions with instrumental music. Some are an hour, others are
longer. It is easy for me to slip into the headspace I like to go to
when I am writing. In fact, right now, I am writing this article to an
hour-long writers Zoom meeting I go to once a week. Nobody talks. We
just write. For an hour.
To that end, today, I will hang my kitchen timer around my
neck and set it to that golden hour. I need not worry if the bus is
coming, is it time yet? I can move into the headspace where all my
characters live.
Right now, they are waiting, allowing me to speak what is on my mind. I’m not psychotic. I’m a psychic, and I see things.
Right now, one of the gentlemen in spirit has touched his
finger alongside his nose, just standing looking at me. Like Santa Claus
is supposed to have done, now, he is smiling and has opened his arms to
me. It is a comfort over and over again to have my Folk in Spirit. Many
times, I don’t know who they are. They are friendly. They are
welcoming. And they will help me time and again to center, to focus, and
to tell my tales, or sometimes their tales.
So, this new habit? How did I learn of it? I watched a
presentation by Tony Robbins. If you don’t know who he is, he is a
self-help person who, in the 48 years he’s been working at helping
others to achieve their goals and dreams, has become quite a famous
person. Look him up on the internet. If you have access to YouTube, he
recorded our four-day, three-hour-a-day virtual Time to Rise Summit. If
you even just listen to the first day, you will learn at least one thing
to help you move closer to your goals.
Sometimes, we just need to be in the presence of that one
person who can help us with one or two words to move past that moment
where we seem to be stuck. Of course, there were many other tips and
tricks he told us about, but that one thing, to help me as a writer, to
loosen up my writing muscles, was worth it.
The event was free. Evidently, Tony has been doing these
virtual Time to Rise free events for the last four years, since Covid
disrupted our lives, our businesses, and our dreams. Every January, at
the end of the month remember and look for the places to sign up. As I
said before, there is no cost to you. There were 195 countries
represented at our event and 1.4 million people. San Antonio, Texas has a
population of that much. That’s a lot of people.
Tony’s personal story is also something to consider. At the
age of 17 he fled from his mother who was trying to attack him with a
kitchen knife. He was homeless and that first night slept on a hill.
After that he slept in his car. With beginnings like that he was able to
emulate the successful people he met, to build his confidence, to
eventually help famous people along with us not so famous people to
achieve our own dreams.
The idea is, if he can do it, from hideous beginnings, so can we.
My job, as I see it, is to help people too. The dream I had
and have of being a writer has come a long way from when I was eight
years old. The dream I had of having a personal relationship with Spirit
has come far. The dream I had of the courage it would take to buck all
of the mis-guided advice I got from people growing up is something I
wake up with every day and ask myself, “What can I do today?”
Thank you for reading. You can find me on the internet at TalkingToSpirit.com, at Substack.com and at Medium.com.
Pauline Evanosky
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