Thursday, August 1, 2024

PTSD Awareness


By Michael L. Craner

I'll start this off with a few things that trigger me. Most are common, everyday experiences. That's what makes them the hardest to deal with.

Yes, I'm broken, many are. Feel free to chime in with your own examples. I've recently found my best therapy so far is in a VA waiting room. Talking to someone helps a lot. More than I ever believed.

    1) high beams in front or behind me.
    2) cars that charge up behind me and ride my ass.
    3) overpasses with people on top looking at cars going under.
    4) "choke points" with underpasses, large buildings above, no alternate routes of travel. I.e different lanes, alleys, streets.
    5) any sudden loud noise, be it a cough, sneeze, fireworks, or gunshot.
    6) knocks on the door
    7) phone ringing
    8) crowds
    9) smells
    10) bright light

Depression, anxiety, PTSD can be managed but I'm not sure they can ever be cured. Basic common courtesy and understanding and genuine social interaction can go a long way to help people, be they veteran or not.

If someone comes off to you as an asshole, don't be quick to put them in that bucket. They might be jaded or dealing with something and actually need the help of a friendly ear.

Or, put them in that bucket and maybe miss out on the best friend you ever had because you never gave them a chance.

Mike Craner - "The Webmaster" circa Sep 2021

Click on the author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
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