Thursday, August 1, 2024

Our Police Officers


By Walt Perryman

This is to thank Police Officers for the job you do.
And for the sacrifices you make wearing the blue.

You put your lives on the line at work every day,
You do it to help and protect us, not for the pay.

You are trained professionals to do what you do,
Then persecuted for doing what they taught you.

A street thug can fight, cuss and spit in your face,
Yet, you’re scrutinized for spraying him with mace.

If you shoot someone that is shooting at you,
Why are you asked, “Did you really have too?”

Police Officers are being ambushed almost every day,
Thanks for showing up and risking your lives anyway!

And the worry and anguish your family goes through,
All because you’re a policeman doing what you do.

And to the officers that have died and sacrificed all,
And the silence that comes after their ‘last radio call’.

©June 2024 Walt Perryman

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