Thursday, August 1, 2024

On Trek


By Judith Kroll

I am older, wiser, and yet I feel a big part of my past has left.

    My Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are gone.
    My cousins are leaving, at a good clip. Classmates, all kinds of people I knew and still love.
    Old age is a blessing, and my paternal grandma lived to be 103. She always found joy in living.
    Time runs out as life goes on this planet.
    Death is not the end. It is a transition from physical to spirit.
    We instantly transition. It is so quick, we don't feel anything, but ZIP...
    In Reality, there is no death.
    My daddy proved that to many when he passed. HE left his body before the body even stopped breathing.
    That's my dad. He has come to me many times since he passed, and shared with me, all my relatives that left this earth as well.
    He sent me a video of all of them together. That made me smile big.
    Life for me is full of loving friends, family, animals, and the forest we live in.
    The bubbling streams on the property are full of life-saving water for all who pass through them.
    The sun shines, the rain falls, the wind blows as usual.
    We are always connected to those who passed before us.
    There is no end. EVERYONE goes home.
    And part of our spirit energy is always in heaven. So are we ever separated? NO we are not.
    Just knowing this brings me joy.

    My past is gone. My life is not.
    Those I love are always around.
    Life is always, it never ends for anyone.
    Love Judith

    Click on the author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
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