Thursday, August 1, 2024

Editor's Corner


By Mary E. Adair

August 2024

"The first week of August
hangs at the very top of summer…
like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel
when it pauses in its turning."

– Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

We have made it through the hottest portion of summer thus far with June's temps up to 110F. July had a few high 100's, but don't be surprised if this month jumps even higher on the thermometer. Feeling blessed that most of our authors came up with sizzling hot columns and poetry. The televised Olympics held the attention of many of us. (What makes some of us champion watchers rather than champion doers?)

Happily, our issue hasn't suffered from an extra month off between issues although we are missing our columnist  Ara Parisien for August. Still breaking in a new pc very advanced in comparison to our old standby desktop that sometimes rivals the noise of trucks passing by on the street. Lucky to get the new one and determined to retire the workhorse one of indeterminate age.

Walt Perryman's three poems "A Morning Thought about Intend," "Just Rambling This Fine Tuesday Morning," and "Our Police Officers" are like echoes from our own days.. John I. Blair's poems "Dawn Watcher" and "Jewels of  Opar" are valued encores.. We welcome a new poem from the talented John MacGrath titled "Senses."

Bud Lemire's poems are "My Silo Haven," "The Pearl Mist," and "Persnickety." Bruce Clifford's two poems are the current "A Run-Through of Your Life" and "Looking Through." The latter is the very first poem we published of his. "The Trek" is a story in poetry form composed by my extraordinarily gifted late sister Jacquelyn Earline (Carroll) MacGibbon, a name she usually shortened to Jacquie.

Thomas F. O'Neill in "Introspective" delves into the subject of  Intuition. Marilyn Carnell's column "Sifoddling Along" is a tale from her uncle who was a doctor in the Ozarks.  Judith Kroll's column "On Trek" gets into the subject of Spirit being our next transition. "Woo Woo," by Pauline Evanosky addresses a new stage (for her) of being a psychic.

We are pleased to share an encore "Cookin' with Leo" this August which is the month in which he first wrote it. Thankful for the laughs he found to share with our readers and us.  "Armchair Genealogy" by columnist Melinda Cohenour reaches back in time to when she first entered the world of ancestor research and the manner it was accomplished then. Mattie Lennon's "Irish Eyes" column focuses on two spell binding books that are certain to intrigue their readers. He provides some insights for each of them.

We are so pleased to carry an article by our co-founder and webmaster Mike Craner although it is seriously written to share "PTSD Awareness." Yes it is a personally defined subject from Mike, a military veteran. There are avenues for relief and understanding comprehension by others.

Pencil Stubs Online co-founded by Mike Craner and your editor, is still going strong in its 27th year because of his original expertise. I continue to express my gratitude to my talented friend and creative webmaster Mike Craner. We place our confidence in him as we have in the past and shall continue doing so.

See you in September!

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
This issue appears in the ezine at and also in the blog with the capability of adding comments at the latter.

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