Thursday, August 1, 2024

Cookin' With Leo Encore


By Leocthasme

Finger Lickin' BBQ'd Ribs

Well, now that I haven't been bothered with Midsummer night's dreams fer a spell, and my dear Italian Fairy Godmother has took off for the summer for parts unknown, leaving me with a whole new repertoire of "Recipes Fer Texans And Other Assorted Desert Rats" I reckon I better pass them on before she comes back to haunt me or see what I have been doing with her imparted wisdom, whatever. (So far the garlic and medal has worked, however many of my friends have avoided me for some reason or other.) Anyway, here is a nice summer fun BBQ.

First: you will need some nice pork ribs, not them bony spare ribs but them big Texas pork ribs with lots of meat on 'em. Pieces should have about two or three bones in 'em.

Next: soak them overnight in a can or two of (Budweiser, at least) beer with some chopped up garlic in it.

Then: next morning put 'em on the grill and let 'em BBQ about 10 or 12 minutes on each side over some Mesquite. Get 'em browned pretty good, anyway.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch do this: For about 4 or 5 lbs of pork ribs you will need the following for baste and gravy:

    Half stick of butter (real cow stuff).
    6 green onions chopped up.
    2 tblspns flour.
    2 tblspns Dijon mustard.
    1 8oz can beef gravy.
    Juice and pulp of one lemon.
    4 tblspns Chili sauce.
    The left over garlic and beer marinade.

After the ribs are grilled and browned, put them in a shallow baking pan and set the oven to about 400 degrees. Pour the rest of the marinade over them. Let them simmer in the oven while you make your BBQ sauce:

      Sauce: Melt the butter in a skillet and mix the green onions in to sauté for about 3 or 4 minutes. Add the flour and mustard and mix well. Cook on medium heat, stir, and mix well for about 2 minutes. Gradually stir in the gravy, lemon juice, and chili sauce, and cook for another 5 minutes.

Now let's see if them pork ribs got tender while cookin' in the beer. Should be ready for the final treatment.

Pour off any greasy liquid left in the baking pan. Coat the ribs with the sauce mixture and let 'em continue to roast in the oven for another 20 or 25 minutes, and every 5 minutes or so baste them with the sauce, turning them each time.

Want something with them, then break out a couple of cans of baked beans and make up some cabbage slaw. And be sure to keep them Texans cool with plenty of iced-up Bud. (I know they like Colorado Kool Aid in Texas as much as they like to go Wall Martin' but this ol' uprooted Yank is gonna' have to convince them of the finer things in life.)



Watchin' th' Ribs

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