By Bud Lemire
Rummy, Nertz, Cribbage, it was fun as an adult or a kid
Gin Rummy or Five Hundred Rummy, it didn't matter to us
Our family loved playing games, we never caused a fuss
Dice games, board games, and card games too
Taking part in any of them, was always fun to do
Bunco was fun, and then along came Greed
Who really knew, where each day would lead
My brother Terry, would stop in the afternoon and stay
Play a few games of Cribbage with Mom, on almost every day
When our whole family got together, we'd play Animal or Spoons
I haven't played those games, for quite a few moons
As a kid it was games like Leapin' Letters, or Battling Tops
Kerplunk, drop the ball in and see if it drops
Charades, was a lot of fun to play
When friends came over, it was all day
Then there was a time at the old family home, we'd play at night
Nancy would come over, we'd play games under the kitchen light
Royal Rummy, The Magnificent Race, Boggle, or Pictionary
The games that we played, they would always vary
The fun times, never seemed to end
Memories of those times, we use to spend
I think back to those days, the memories are great
Those were the times so precious, I sure appreciate
I keep those memories alive, by cherishing each and every game
These days I play them with Nancy, and friends, which is my aim
I love the games, that we always play
They add so much enjoyment, to every day
I can go back in time, with each memory
Yet still move ahead, which is a great place to be
©Jan 19, 2024 Bud Lemire
Author Note:
The memories of playing games with Mom and my
brothers and sisters, always take me back. Today I
am making more memories with my sister Nancy,
and the friends I play games with at night
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