By Bud Lemire
You were a classmate, one that I came to know
I knew you as John Kossow, but you went by Summers too
Sometimes I never knew, what name to call you
By any of those names, you were a friend to me
After school we'd get together, we were kids naturally
Sometimes we'd play marbles, sometimes we'd just talk
Other times we would meet up with others, or go for a walk
Your sister Barbara, was a classmate too
She was someone, that I also knew
In later years, I found you kitty-corner from the school we went to
I'd stop and visit awhile, I enjoyed the times reminiscing with you
We talked about the present, we talked about the past
We talked about friends we knew, but these times didn't last
John had his share of health problems, he described them to me
You couldn't tell by looking at him, at least I couldn't see
I looked forward to my fish on Fridays, and visits with this friend
Like all good things in life, it came to an end
I wondered why, I hadn't seen him in his yard anymore
Sometime later, I found out, he had walked through “The Door”
“The Door” to the other side, his body became spirit
I know he'll be happy there, although I was sad to hear it
©Oct 25, 2023 Bud Lemire
Author Note:
It's not easy to say goodbye to a friend. It's not easy to say
goodbye to anyone. I'd like to think of it as “Thanks for crossing
into my path and being my friend for a time.” I know it's not goodbye.
I'll be seeing you again, when my time comes
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