Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Woo Woo


By Pauline Evanosky

When Things Go Sideways

I want to talk about what happens when things go sideways in your life. Sometimes, they are minor things like if somebody aces you out of a parking space and then, knowing they were being a you-know-what about it, won’t look at you as they stride by your driver’s side window on their way into the store. If they don’t look at you, there’s no point in sticking your tongue out at them.

That’s a minor thing. Granted, to give them the benefit of the doubt, they might possibly have been oblivious, but even a psychic would know in their heart of hearts that was a genuine you-know-what who just passed by. Don’t fret. There is always Karma.

The huge, major things that go sideways have to do with health, both for yourself and your loved ones, jobs, school, relationships, violence, dying, and going to jail. I’d add anything to do with the IRS to the list too. The IRS generally gives me gas.

I think the only thing our job can be is to recover quickly and gracefully. However, in the midst of a crisis, while bombs are dropping all around you, it is pretty much impossible to think ahead. You are in the moment. It’s pretty hard to get out of the moment.

Surviving these major events, first of all, takes time. It takes determination on your part to continue putting one foot in front of the other. In fact, doing that may be the only way you’re going to move forward through the mess. Putting one foot in front of the other might also be the only thing you can think to do with the immediacy of the trauma in front of you.

Your friends and family are either going to survive or they won’t. I do believe in prayer because I’ve seen work like that actually happen. Not always, but sometimes.

Living a life as a frightened rabbit at times has forced me to think of ways through the chaos. The one foot in front of the other technique is the only thing that seems to hold true, and many times feels like the only thing you can do.

Time passing, too, helps. The grief that you feel for somebody in your life who dies is always going to be there. People tell you that you get used to it, and to a certain extent, you do, but it never fades. I remember when my mother died. I missed her so much. I cried easily. Even in those first weeks, a memory of her would come at me out of left field. I can remember standing in the hallway at work. The morning sun was streaming in the window. I was standing in front of the grandfather clock. And a memory of my mother came at me, kicking me in my chest, in my midsection, and I physically doubled over. It was like a horse kicked me.

I don’t know who determined that a period of mourning would be for a year. I really think they got that one wrong.

Something that helps bad times to pass is faith. Whether you have faith in God or in time passing to heal the wounds. Sometimes, that is the only thing available for you.

I can remember being faced with something horrible and thinking about something that I knew about that would happen in the future. I thought to myself that the situation would be different by the time that event arrived. It was sort of stupid, but it got me through. Generally, it was the next episode of whatever was a favorite television show back when we all watched television and not the streaming services that we have now. Sometimes, it was a holiday or a birthday to look forward to. The idea was that whatever it was, it would happen in the future, time enough for whatever calamity that had befallen you had time to stop breaking your heart.

I do know some things that happened to me when I was younger that were paralyzing at that time weren’t as bad as they happened to me when I was older. Why? I guess we get braver. Maybe that is it. Braver with age. Like cheese or scotch.

I can tell you that as a new psychic, I fully expected to be warned of anything bad coming to pass by my Spirit Guide. That doesn’t happen. I remember him saying, “We can’t help you with things like that. You have to live your life by yourself. But we can help to pick you up and dust you off afterward”. That was nice.

The other thing with difficult things that happen in your life is to perhaps, eventually, think that somehow you are stronger than you were before. I’ve been told this is true. In the heat of the moment, you can’t believe you weren’t betrayed or victimized, but after a while, you might be able to sense that you are stronger.

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