September 2023
and the dream will take care of itself.”
– Mark Twain
Appropriate that we begin this column with the quote from Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain, first because this eZine was begun hopefully as a tribute to your editor's late husband AG Adair, himself a life-long writer and owner-publisher of numerous newspapers, magazines, and articles. It was a dream started over 26 years ago with the help of one of our authors, Mike Craner, who had begun to build webpages and websites, and didn't want mine and AG's magazine "Hobbies, Etc" to end. We had been publishing in newspaper format monthly and mailing to subscribers in 42 of the USA states, including to Hawaii and Alaska, as well as in six other countries So we made January 1998 our 'Goodbye issue' and announced we were going digital, free of subscription cost in February 1998. It was Mike's suggestion to have Pencil Stubs as the name as most hobbies addressed or submitted previously had been from writers. Loved the suggestion and here we are!
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The photos above are first, the ID pic used for my column 26
years ago, as it had been the last one AG had taken of me in the summer
of 1996 (he passed away in mid October that year.) The second was taken
this summer, snapped by my oldest granddaughter Melinda Smith. Neither
resemble the me shown in this column's ID pic as yours truly was
braving near triple digit weather, plus a network server failure that
along with Hurricane Idalia pushing uncommon rainfall into western Texas
had this editor concerned if we would make the September issue release
on time or not. (No, seriously you won't see me out anywhere looking so
frazzled, but worried is mild to my actual feelings then.) Real
contrasts, huh?
We welcome a new poetess Kay Forristal, who hails from the
same part of the world as the poet John McGrath and Mattie Lennon who
does the column "Irish Eyes." She brings us three poems for this month:
"He is There," "Fleadh Cheoil," and "Home Blessings." McGrath shows
two sonnets, "Foley's Field" and "Covid Sonnet." As you likely know,
sonnets must adhere to strict rules, "Each line traditionally consists
of 10 syllables — divided into five pairs — with an unstressed syllable
followed by a stressed syllable." If you are interested here is the SOURCE.
Walt Perryman has three poems for September with"Lies vs
Truth," "A Warning (?)," and "Have A Good Trip." Bruce Clifford sent
"Can You Remember Me" and "Remember Who We Are." We chose four of John
I. Blair's previously published poems because we miss him and he is
working on his health mostly now. They are: "Texas Summer," "Even A
Snake Plant Sometimes Blooms," "Some Thoughts Enter My Brain by The Back
Door," and "Time to Laugh."
Also seen before from one of my Great Grandsons Christopher
Alaniz-Wadford is Special Reprint "9-11 Poem" lest we forget. Bud
Lemire's poems this issue are "They All Come Along" and "People Change."
Since we mainly see Lemire's poetry along with illustrations
to emphasize, some photos are his own, however he is a prolific
photographer with his own Poetry Blog (see his Bio) and our only article
demonstrates that talent. Don't fail to browse
Mackinac Island Excursion Part One - A Pictorial Review. Next month
will continue his trip with visits to the Butterfly House and his search
for 'The Secret Garden.'
Mattie Lennon 's "Irish Eyes" is primarily a historical review of instances about Sive
the play, or incidents during its numerous performances for many years.
Most importantly though, to introduce the recent book by that name
compiled by John B. Keane’s daughter Joanna Keane O'Flynn, who deems
herself merely a commentator.
"Introspective" by Thomas F. O'Neill welcomes September and like the
rest of us is amazed how rapidly August disappeared. Judith Kroll tells
how she found her voice and why, in her column "On Trek." Pauline
Evanosky in her column "Woo Woo," shares her process of becoming a
psychic in plain language and steps you can take that will help you.
Rod Cohenour, in his column "Cooking with Rod" authorizes his
wife Melinda as Guest Chef for September and she explains the secret to
making, storing, and using Sofrito. "Armchair Genealogy," her own
column updates and releases some new discoveries while continuing the
info on the use of DNA in the pursuit of Crime detection.
Danielle Cote Serar, whose column is "A Mother's Lessons,"
adds her daughter's entry into Kindergarten as comparison to the many
lessons she's learning since becoming a mother. Marilyn Carnell's
column "Sifoddling Along" informs us with examples about the
architectural innovation, where she dwells, known as "piano windows."
We continue to bless our good fortune in knowing our co-founder and webmaster, Mike Craner, whose knowledge and expertise keeps Pencil Stubs Online actually online. We place our confidence in him as we have in the past and shall continue doing so.
Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
issue appears in the ezine at and also in the blog with the capability of adding comments at the
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