Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Our Parents


By Jacquie MacGibbon

A young lad from Missouri came to Texas a few years back . . .
His name was John Edward;
Some called him "Slim", and some, "Jack."
He thought he'd earn some money
And worked for a while
But thinking about his honey made him wishful to smile.
So off to Missouri he went right away
To bring back a wife, name of Lena May.
She had bouncy curls, and eyes--big and round.
They settled down in a small, booming oil town,
Loving each other dearly,
'neath the sky so blue.
They had three small girls--
and called them their "pearls."
Their love grew and grew,
as they knew it would do.
A war came along and
Jack would join the battle.
But he was a young father of girls numbering three...
So he and Lena May went up to cold Seattle
To work in the shipyards to help America stay free.
Their shift-work parted them sometimes;
But their love continued strong.
They took advantage of the free times. . .
Knowing their lives together would be long.
Back to Texas and sun and sand . . .
Another small girl joined the band.
Jack was so proud and Lena felt grand.
A family together -- hand in hand.
Oh, the trials and tribulations --
The fun of winter vacations!
The joys and jubilations --
Of raising four female relations!
The marriages and separation from their parents so dear . . .
A phone call away,
Their sweet voices to hear
Help each daughter keep their memories quite clear
Of those two lovely people--so far, yet so near.
The grandchildren came in droves.
And today, the family still grows.
With great grandkids, and more to be --
All claiming their place on the family tree.
The good times and the bad . . .
The laughter and the tears . . .
The victorious times and the sad . . .
That come and go with the years.
And all the time these precious two,
Through the happy times and times so blue,
Share their lives in all they do --
Supporting each other with love so true.
As they go through life with love and cheer,
It's so obviously and plainly clear --
That by giving of themselves so much
They're truly blessed by God's special touch!
So here are some words from deep in my heart
I feel I just simply have to impart.
My Mom & Dad -- so marvelous to know --
Two special persons with an inner glow.
The pet names you've given to us girls
Make us feel special -- cherished as pearls.
Pride for each of us you two always show.
All of our lives you've helped us to grow.
It's with love on this point we agree --
The youngest, and the elder three --
To take this opportunity to say very loud
That you are our parents makes us quite proud.
We know, in your eyes,
Each of us is number one.
Not because of any accomplishment we might have done
But because of the love you give each daughter you had,
Gladly we claim you two with love --
Our MOM and DAD!!!

©Jun 1, 1996 Jacquelyn Earline MacGibbon

Reprint from a 1996 AMEA Publications issue of Hobbie$,Etc.

Click on the author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
This issue appears in the ezine at www.pencilstubs.com and also in the blog www.pencilstubs.net with the capability of adding comments at the latter.

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