Pauline Evanosky
Lucid Reading and Reality Shifts
I had an odd thing happen to me last month. As soon as it happened, I
knew what it was, though, before that, I had no clue it was even a
thing that was possible.
I am talking about lucid reading. It only happened one time
and lasted all of two or three seconds, but it was enough of a shock to
my system to register up there with a 5.7 earthquake. I took notice.
I was reading a good book. It was a time travel horse doctor
pioneer story. The time travel bit might have been more important than I
thought at the time.
I can’t say everybody reading this piece has ever had a lucid
dream or done a past life regression, but this was sort of like that.
This was a past life regression viewed through the eyes of another
person, the writer of the story. In fact, I was so thrilled with the
book as I read it that I looked up information about the author,
Elizabeth Woolsey, on the internet. I also felt a kinship with her that
was inexplicable. It did not bother me. There have been a few times in
my life when that has happened with other people, and I just chalk it up
to something along the lines of, “I must have known her in another time and place.” That is just another fun part of being a psychic. It happens.
Elizabeth Woolsey is a horse veterinarian in real life, and
this figures into most of her stories, at least the three that I’ve read
so far. Yes, I have been enjoying the stories that much. If you have
Kindle Unlimited at Amazon, you can pretty much borrow all of the books
Elizabeth has written. And, yes, writers who write and have their books
listed on Kindle Unlimited also get paid for however many pages their
readers end up reading. It’s something like .0043¢ per page. There is
probably more to that particular story than I have reported just now,
but it’s also something to consider when you are a writer like myself
and are looking to self-publish. They said on Google that people could
earn more from their KENPC, which stands for Kindle edition normalized
page count, than they do from all other forms of their books sold on the
Amazon platform.
What happened is that as I was reading, I morphed into the
story. I was there. I was a part of it. It became my own reality. No, I
had not been drinking, nor was I doing drugs. It all just became very
Why I compared it to Lucid dreaming is that it also felt like
that. Lucid dreaming is a dream that suddenly becomes real, and as you
are dreaming, you know you are dreaming. In this state of mind, you can
actually direct the course of your dream so that if there is something
threatening going on, you can have a tsunami sweep all the bad guys
away. Or you can fly. Or you can speak a foreign language.
With a past life regression, you are in a similar state of
mind, and your focus is infinite. You actually feel the wind on your
face and see the pyramids, people talk to you, and you can feel heat and
temperature changes, you can see torchlight dancing and reflecting on
the walls, and you can see a son you had over 100 years ago. It’s a
reality shift that does not normally occur to folks in their everyday
lives. At least, it never did to me before I turned the corner and
opened to my psychic nature some 35 years ago.
This time the shift to my reality happened while I was reading, and I was very, very surprised by the experience.
I don’t know how it happened, and I have not been able to
replicate the experience since then. However, I find myself paying
attention now to things I normally don’t pay much attention to. Perhaps
that was the idea. As I breathe, I become aware of how fresh the air
smells. I listen to people talking from my study window, the everyday
noises they make, hammering, talking, gardeners at work, and children
playing. I find myself closing my eyes and reaching out for that
otherworldly reality, that expanded psychic reality I sometimes take for
When you create a new habit, it can sometimes take about
three weeks for the whole process to become second nature. My intention
is to, once again, take my psychic spidey senses to a higher level. It’s
only going to help with the writing that I do. Maybe doing something
like that for yourself could help with the things you do in your life.
Here is a quick way to do a past life or a childhood
regression. You’re going to go into a self-hypnotic state. Know that you
are safe. Know that you can easily come out of it if an emergency
presents itself. Know that you will always be able to return to the here
and now at the end of it or even before it is over if you wish.
Before I start, I state my intention. I always do it silently
in my head, but you can voice it aloud or write it out too. I say
something along the lines of, “I am going to do a past life regression. I know I will be safe. Please take me to whatever it is that I need to see.” The words are the same if you are doing a childhood regression.
Get into a peaceful state of mind. Promise yourself that you
and your inner self will be safe. In fact, keep a pad of paper and a
pencil or pen handy to jot the stuff down that wants to pull you away
from the meditative state of mind. That will happen. In the beginning,
it happens to everybody. Buy milk. Reconcile the checkbook. Check the
tire pressure.
Anything and everything will crop up. Write
down one word, milk, tires, or checkbook. Just one word, and you’ll
remember the whole thought after you are done with the regression. This
is actually a good idea to do when you are meditating because the same
sort of thing happens. It’s also when the thought of not having a
chocolate cookie begins to cloud my thinking. It's just distractions.
Don’t get angry at yourself. Just try it again. It’s like learning how
to walk. It never happened the first time you tried. You had to fall
down a bit first, but you never gave up.
Close your eyes and gently sink again. I like to visualize
myself going down a ladder slowly. Rung by rung. I also imagine myself
sinking into a delightful body of water or just melting like the Wicked
Witch of the West did when Dorothy threw mop water on her.
The next thing I do is remember what I was doing ten minutes
before I sat down to meditate or do a regression. I might have been
sitting here at my computer writing. Reading. Washing the dishes. Eating
breakfast. Whatever. Just remember what it was briefly; you don’t need a
photographic memory. You don’t have to remember every single detail.
Just whatever it was you were doing a few minutes ago.
Next, remember what you were doing when you woke up this morning.
Next, remember what you did last night when you went to bed.
Picture yourself taking your eyeglasses off and pulling the sheet over
Remember what you had for dinner last night. Wasn’t it hot dogs?
Remember what you were doing two weeks ago. If it’s hard to
remember something like that, then remember the last time you were at
the dentist or the last time you did laundry. Picture yourself folding
socks or driving to work.
The idea is to keep moving back in time and picturing the
circumstances where you were. This is the same as for a childhood and a
past life regression. Gradually, go back in time. For me, pinning the
memories to events and to the places I’ve lived at are easier to do.
Because I went to so many schools in childhood, I just pick a grade at
random and remember something about it. Like, in the 8th grade, I lived
in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. I remember the hills. I remember the trees. I
remember walking to school. These things you are remembering do not
have to be actual memories, they are snapshots in time that surface for
you to place yourself in a backward continuum.
So, you just keep going back in time until you can’t remember anymore. Calmly, you say, “Take me back to what I need to look at.”
In the case of a childhood regression it will be something that
happened in your lifetime. In the case of a past life regression, it’s
going to be in another lifetime.
And when you say, “Take me back to where I need to be” that’s when you wait patiently. The first time you do this, it might not work; then again, it might work just fine.
The process of entering a meditative calm mind takes a bit of
getting used to. Is this good for just meditating, my inner self was
keeping me safe and getting me the hell out of Dodge quickly. He also
said I should continue to try doing the regressions. He also said to
remember that everybody has happy moments in their lives. He said the
death scenes were full of drama and emotion and attracted attention. On
my journeys, I was drawn to them. He said to keep in mind and remember
the happier moments because everybody has them.
So, I took his advice, and my regressions became very
It’s sort of like when you first learn to drive. The person behind the
wheel, for the first time in their life, can’t spend their time looking
out of the windows as the scenery rolls by. That’s when you
inadvertently steer towards what you are looking at, and before you know
it, you’ve crashed the car into somebody’s mailbox. With experience,
the driving becomes safer.
So, lucid reading, lucid dreaming, and deliberate regressions, whether childhood or past life, are all somehow tied together.
Who knows? Maybe I will finally be able to read something in a
lucid dream or in a meditative state. I’ll certainly tell you about it
if I am ever able to learn how to do that. mediating or for doing past
life or childhood regressions? No, this discipling of your attention
creates a stronger focus for you that will enable you to apply yourself
to all sorts of things like learning languages, cooking, or creating
spreadsheets in Excel.
I can remember the first time I started doing past life
regressions, I had not perfected the idea of a calm mind. I was also
afraid of death at the time. I mean, who isn’t afraid to die? But the
scenes I saw were those of me dying. I did not like it. Because I was
channeling at the time, I asked my guide what was going on. He explained
to me that because I was new to the idea of past life regressions and
of me.
Thank you for reading.
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