By Bud Lemire
Teachers and classmates, that I came to know
I didn't start there, I'll have to skip just one
Memories of going there, we sure had a lot of fun
First Grade Mrs. Woodard, Second Grade Mrs. Cass
Third Grade Mrs. Sprague, time sure went fast
Fourth Grade Mrs. Tippett, Fifth Grade Mr. Leduc
In the Winter time, we had to wear a chook
The Sixth Grade, we had Ms. Severe
I remember the teachers from every year
In Second Grade, we moved from the old to the new
After Washington School, is when I really grew
Memories bring me back there, with just a thought
And I find myself in the class, right at that very spot
Playing marbles, tether ball, or on the Jungle Gym
As children, we did so many things on a whim
Being a Cross Guard, was something to enjoy
At Washington School, I was just a little boy
As Washington School, the building we once knew
Becomes a parking lot for buses, its schooling days are through
©June 17, 2022 Bud Lemire
Author Note:
Of course it's been a while since it was a school. Many times
priorities come first. Safety for the kids who go to the school
once called Junior High. Changes are a part of life. We all
know about them, as we have each gone through so many.
Seems like every year there are changes, of one kind or another.
Our memories of that time will always be with us, or in my case
written down in a poem or somewhere else.
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