Yesterday’s sermon had so much that spoke to me, I’m still unpacking it all. But there was one part that struck such an accord, I have to share.
The topic was agape or godly love. The pastor spoke,
paraphrasing here, “If I am abiding in him, then the people that I’m
engaging with I don’t judge them. I just love them. The entire reason we
are here is to display the love of God.“
My mother was not only my mom, but my best friend, my
confidant, my mentor and almost always my teacher. One of the lessons
she instilled first by example and then by words was “our job is simple,
love God and then love thy neighbor. If we can do those two things,
then there is no room for judgment or hate or anger.”
I realize I may be considered a biased source, but the two
things that kept getting repeated about my mother from others when she
passed was “I always felt her love” and “I could be myself with her.
There was no judgment.” And honestly, she embodied this. The harshest
thing I ever heard my mother say about another human was their energy
and mine don’t mesh and I can love them from a distance. And she meant
it. She made a mistake that she never got over as a child and in that
mistake, she took God’s message of love to heart.
I asked her once how she did it, and her reply was simple -
because I wouldn’t want someone judging me as I am far from perfect. You
see she knew she was flawed. She knew she’d made mistakes. And if she
were not perfect, she could not judge others. Equally she choose to
love. She often would remind me when I found myself frustrated with
someone’s actions - people are all connected just like the human body;
it’s just that some people are like our hearts that we feel with each
heart beat, others are like your big toe. You forget they are there
until you stub them. It was my reminder that even when people annoyed
me, I was still to love them. She taught me that while I can hate the
behavior, I could still love the person.
I don’t always succeed and sometimes it’s harder than other
times, but I try to emulate my mother in this. This lesson has served me
so well in life. I truly hope I can be her reflection in this for my
©January 2022 Danielle Cote Serar
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