Friday, May 1, 2020

Shedding Moments

Just the way my cat is shedding his fur
Clumps of it here, there, everywhere,
I'm shedding the moments I have left for sure,
Precious few special enough to share.

There were the times I relished each day,
No matter what it held in its hours
The gardening I loved doing, digging away,
As I dreamed of the soon to be flowers.

But filling the month is a simple task
Social distancing is nothing new to me-
If I have wanted company, I had but to ask
And sooner or later, somebody I would see.

But now, under orders to, like a dog, "Stay!"
My independent spirit would like to rebel,
Yet my honest fears do force me to obey
And my rambunctious desires I must quell.

Confinement only affects my body, it's true,
And my thoughts are still free as the breeze.
If I went out on the town what would I do?
Possible pursuits whisper and my mind tease

Yet law-abiding has long been my choice
So chores and cooking and cleaning are my task
And if I went out I'd need to muffle my voice
By donning a sensible, maybe life-saving mask.

So these days are strange and burden my mind
Though there's plenty needs doing as I peer around
There are documents that I surely need to find
And due diligence so that clutter doesn't compound

Still slipping away is the rest of my existence
While I dwell alone, in this solitary place
And puzzle what amounts dollars, pounds, even pence
It will take the world spending to win this race

Oh! Fate, or God, or a scientific virus cure
Whichever, is beyond my control, and that hurts
Because I can't be the answer, perfect and pure,
Only watch and wait while things get worse.

I will not give in, give up, stop hoping,
But will turn my thoughts to happier times
And continue my serious attempts at coping
And perhaps jot down a few more rhymes.

©April 13, 2020 Mary E. Adair

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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