Judith Kroll
Listen to the birds sing
The crying children ask for help
While the birdies sing their love.
Listen to the people in despair
Listen to the winds that blow
The people mourn for better times
The wind whistles hope for all
Listen to the animals that hurt
Watch the baby fox play
The animals wait for love to come
The baby fox shows true content
Author Note:
We the people must stand up now and shout our love
for all to hear. We love enough to make a stand,
yes,change is needed to make man free,
and help the children and animals..BE
Peace and love must cover our earth,
Human-kindness is our inheritance.
* * * * *
leaving the waves
covered in sun and shadow.
Each shimmering wave carried
its own voice as it crashed onto the dirt.
Ripples of glitter stood their ground before
heading back to wavedom.
As the sounds of the ocean filled the void,
a muffled clip and clop could be heard in the distance.
Rider and horse became one with the wind,
barely making tracks on a damp sandy beach.
Each being becoming one with the universe
at that moment in time. Their moment,
their time, their center of life.
May we each find our center of life moments.
Horse and rider are forever etched
with the energy they share.
Author Note:
This is a picture of Christine Cline VanOeveren,
our neighbor, and her beautiful horse, Amir.
They are on a Beach in Oregon.
When I saw the picture, I had
to write a description.
The horses hooves don't look like
they touch the ground. She says,
"I felt like I was flying".
Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
Photo by Martin Schuurmans

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