May 2019
"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is
always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly,
may alight upon you."--Nathaniel Hawthorne .
Ah, May... birth month of your editor who has seen it roll around
84 times when the 8th dawns. Born the day after her mother Lena May
Joslin Carroll turned 17, and thus forever linked not only as parent and
child but as Taurians, which usually caused perfect chiming of plans
and intentions, but occasionally induced more of the "Bull in the China
Shop" stubborness from both. For more about my beloved parent who left
us in March 2010, here is a link to the tribute for her that year:
Tribute: Lena May Joslin Carroll Alas, the embedded Picasso photo screen show has "been retired."
Our poets with their varied interests present their perspective on life in many heart nourishing ways.
Phillip Hennessy has published many poems with
this eZine and several of them have been used as song lyrics by various
recording artists. Phillip lives in England, a musician himself, he has
many contacts in the business, and most recently his poem "Judy Kay"
has been recorded. You can hear it here:
mp3 of Judy Kay If you want to follow along with the words of the poem, you can find it here:
Poem "Judy Kay".
Thank you, Phillip Hennessy, for letting us know.
Meanwhile, stepping up to the challenge of their muses, this issue brings:
Bruce Clifford "Doing This Again".
Bud Lemire, "When The Easter Bunny Came," "One Foot," and "Wednesday at Lakeview."
Kimberly Marquette, "Grandma's Song" and "Orca."
John I Blair, "Sometimes When There's Smoke," "Minion Ball," "World Tree," and "Patio Cat is Getting Fat ."
Linnie Jane Joslin Burks, "Childhood," "Perseverance," "Warning," and "Come Up Higher."
Our columnists have treats in store with their particular viewpoints:
Melinda Cohenour, mentions DNA dilemna's and mysteries.
"Armchair Genealogy" |
Marilyn Carnell, recalls when she attended Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri.
"Sifoddling Along" |
LC Van Savage, discusses Gun noises.
"Consider This" |
Judith Kroll, declares "Label Me Happy!!"
"On Trek" |
Mattie Lennon, speaks about the tradition of "Keening, Death,
and Last Words" in his inimitable manner.
"Irish Eyes" |
Thomas F. O'Neill, was recently inducted into the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars.
"Introspective" |
Rod Cohenour, is making the switch to Cooler Cooking.
"Cooking with Rod" |
Pencil Stubs Online is maintained by the diligence of our webmaster
and beloved friend,
Michael Craner.
Webmaster and Co-Founder |
Having been published in one of AMEA Publications
magazines, "Hobbie$, Etc." that was a newspaper format, monthly magazine
that went to 42 USA states, including Alaska and Hawaii, and six other
countries, Mike was unhappy when we decided to stop publishing it a
little over a year after founder and publisher A G Adair passed away.
The increase in publication and mailing fees especially to
non-continental based subscribers was prohibitive, forcing a closure.
Mike stepped forward and said as he had begun doing websites that he
would like us to work together to keep a publication going. And here we
are, now in our 22d year and still providing a quality outlet for
authors, both established book authors and playwrights as well as those
just venturing forth to show their creativity. Thanks again, Mike!
See you in June!
Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
issue appears in the ezine at and also in the blog with the capability of adding comments at the
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