Oh, Those Shady Characters!
Researching one’s family is certainly a fascinating exercise.
It is always exhilarating to find that heroic fellow who made history
through a brave and courageous act – saved the world, so to speak. But,
the path to that hero (or “shero” as is becoming popular in
ModernSpeak) can be littered with those not-so-heroic folks, you know –
the shady characters.
My family tree is certainly filled with a bit of both –
the heroes and those others, the ones polite families may condemn to the
shadows, never to see the light of day.
It may have been merely a quirk of fate that caused my
own family tree to have branched out with an abundance of those infamous
rather than famous folks. I’d like to believe if the winds of fate had
blown a bit differently many of those adorned with the label Outlaw, or
Gunslinger, or Horse Thief, even Murderer might have led a life much
more engaged in mundane, every day events and not condemned to endless
chastisement for the vagaries of their industry that led to their
becoming – those shady characters.
Let us consider, for starters, the most infamous (I
believe) on my father’s side of the branch: The Youngers and The
Daltons. The climate of northwest Missouri, Clay County, bordering the
Kansas state line was the impetus that fired passions among the locals
that eventually erupted into Civil War.
This branch of the family tree did not begin so
ignominiously. In fact, both the Youngers and the Creeks (my line)
sprang from historically heroic fellows. Joshua Logan Younger, the
father of Colonel Charles Lee Younger, was with George Washington at
Valley Forge, wounded at Brandywine according to his pension papers – an
injury that would end his military career and lead to remuneration.
From the diary of another Younger relative, Jessie Jean Ginn, the
following appears:
Family records say of
Joshua Younger, "He first fought in the Battle of Boston, was wounded
and sent home. He re-enlisted under Col. James Wood and fought in the
battle of Quebec under the command of General Montgomery. Was wounded
early in the battle and taken a prisoner and later exchanged to his
regiment just in time to take part in the Battle of Germantown and the
Surrender of Burgoyne. He was with Washington at Valley Forge in the
winter of 1778 and 1779. He was in the Battle of Monmouth and others,
was wounded in the Battle of Bertheson Bay, served four years and was
honorably discharged early in 1770. He was a close friend of Daniel
The mother of Colonel Charles Lee Younger was Elizabeth
Virginia Lee, reputed by Cole Younger to be the daughter of the famous
Richard Henry Lee. The Lee Family disputes this fact; however, having
recently submitted DNA for analysis, this relationship has been
validated by a number of cousin matches whose documented family trees
tie back to Richard Henry Lee and to his forebears. The apparent
foundation for the Lee family’s claim of no relationship lies in the
fact Elizabeth was not named in her father’s will; however, she had
predeceased Richard Henry Lee and moved far from the home estate in
Virginia. Your author’s research shows the Younger family held land
adjacent to the Lee land in Virginia – the proximity begging a closer
relationship than typically reported. Some researchers attribute
Elizabeth Lee’s heritage to be as sister to Robert E. Lee; some to
daughter of Richard Henry Lee and Ann Aylett. The DNA results seem to
bear out a familial relationship, yet to be documented in any more
traditional way. Richard Henry Lee, if in fact our 6th Great
Grandfather, certainly would fall on the Hero Line. A signer of the
Declaration of Independence, he served in the House of Burgesses for
many years, and was reputed to have a more golden flare for oratory than
even one Patrick Henry. His voice was said to be “most mellifluous,”
his posture and carriage majestic, his visage handsome and austere. He
was tall for the time, graceful, and influential. These characteristics
so match those of my father there is little doubt of the genetic lineage
in my mind.
Richard Henry Lee - Standing
. The trouble seems to have begun with the son: Colonel Charles
Lee Younger. A handsome rascal, but one prone to lascivious tastes. He
fathered some 19 to 22 children by two wives and a slew of mistresses
and slaves. His first wife he wed when he was a mere fifteen years of
age and she a year younger by most records. Back in that day, lives were
shorter and women were considered spinsters if not “affianced” or wed
by the age of 17 or so. Nancy Toney would bear Charles two children
before her early death aged 29 at oldest reckoning, 18 by the youngest:
Milton Toney Younger (1802-1852) and Elizabeth Darlisco Younger
(1805-1892). Having been left single with two young children, Charles
soon wed Sarah Sullivan Purcell who would bear him numerous children,
including my 3rd Great-Grandmother, Virginia Lee Younger. While yet
married to Sarah, Charles would begin a long-term relationship with his
mistress, Paremelia Dorcus Wilson, by whom he would sire an additional
nine children. We note only two here for their contribution to the cast
of “shady characters”: first-born Adeline Lee Younger who would wed
James Lewis Dalton and birth the boys who would become the Dalton Gang;
and last-born Bruce Arthur Wilson Younger who would wed one Myra
Maybelle Shirley, better known as “Belle Starr.”
Not to leave anyone out, ole Charlie also managed to hook
up with one or more of his mulatto slaves. Many attribute two children,
Nathan and Washington by a slave named Fanny to him as well, by virtue
of this portion of his will:
“ ITEM 4th. I will and
bequeath that after my death the following slaves belonging to me be
manumitted and forever set free from slavery or service or bondage to
any man, to wit: Elizabeth, aged 22 of mulatto color and her two
children named Catherine and Simpson. Also Fany, aged between 35 and 40
years, and her two children named Nathan and Washington, and that their
freedom commence at my death. ITEM 5th. I give and bequeath to said
Elizabeth, Fanny, Catherine, Simpson, Nathan and Washington, named in
the 4th Item, jointly, the 300 acre tract of land situated on Little
Blue in Jackson County, which I bought in part from John Ross and from
Hawkins Estate and in part from the U.S. Land Office, all which land is
easily ascertained by reference to the deeds from the last named parties
to me and from the land office Certificate. To Have and To Hold the
same to said last mentioned legatees after their freedom, Forever. “
Your author believes, without particular
reason, that Fanny may have been the “mother figure” to Elizabeth;
although many have opined she was the mother of Elizabeth as well as
Nathan and Washington and that Charles then fell in love with his own
offspring! I prefer to believe not. Other researchers believe Elizabeth
was the daughter of Solomon Simpson and Sarah “Sallie” Boone. She was
half white and half black. Elizabeth Rose Simpson Younger was, without
doubt, a real beauty. She held Charles’ heart as he abandoned his legal
spouse and spent his waning years in her company. In fact, when he died
Elizabeth had him buried, but wife Sarah had his body disinterred,
re-housed in a “fitting” casket (in fact it would require a second
temporary casket for his removal before residing in his final third
casket and third location of burial!) and finally buried on her home
turf. Their daughter Catherine was a beauty along the lines of Vivian
Leigh in Gone With the Wind.
Catherine Simpson Younger.
Not only did Charles Lee Younger spread his genes far and
wide, he also dabbled in a number of entrepreneurial activities: horse
racing, ranching, farming, a ferry, “Injun fightin’” with Daniel Boone,
and land speculation, among others. His offspring may not have been
quite as colorful, but they were accomplished in many ways as well.
Son of Charles Lee Younger and Sarah Sullivan Purcell,
and brother to my 3rd Great-Grandmother Virginia Lee Younger, was Henry
Washington Younger. A very successful plantation owner, he had a number
of additional interests: a mercantile, race horses, and he successfully
managed his town as Mayor. Henry Washington Younger attempted to quell
the flames that would erupt into the Civil War. He invited Union
soldiers to join local citizens at a large ball on his plantation. This
attempt backfired, very fatefully. There, one Capt. Walley, a married
Union soldier, would affront one of the Younger daughters. Cole Younger
invited Walley outside where he proceeded to introduce the Yankee to
Southern comfort – a sound thrashing for insulting a Southern lady.
Walley was embittered and vowed to get even. Get even he did, in a big
and horrible way. He and a few of his Union cohorts ambushed Henry
Washington Younger on one of his many business trips. They waylaid him,
killed and robbed him and left his body in the dirt. This was the
incentive to set Cole Younger off. Cole, several of his siblings and his
Creek cousins (including my 2nd Great-Grandfather Absalom Creek,
siblings Jacob Creth and Sidney Washington Creek) would join up with
Quantrill’s Raiders. In fact, Cole and brother-in-law John Jarrette
would become Quantrill’s most trusted lieutenants – and the ones most
feared and hated by their Union opposition.
Our list of shady characters even includes, by remote and
not blood relationships the James brothers, Johnny Ringo, Belle Starr
and, of course, the in-laws. Although many references have been made to
the James-Younger Gang, there was not, in fact, such a cohesive group.
Frank and Jesse James also fought with Quantrill’s Raiders. They resided
in Missouri. They knew Cole, Jim, Bob and John Younger but there was
always a bit of competition between Cole Younger and Jesse James.
Frank and Jesse James’ mother was Zarelda Cole who wed
Robert Salle James after meeting him at a religious outing. He would
become an ordained Baptist minister, move his wife to Missouri and work a
farm when not preaching. (He was also one of the founders of the
William and Mary College.) Their farm was in Excelsior Springs in Clay
County. The Youngers resided, primarily, in Liberty, nearby Paradise and
its surrounds, although Col. Charles had other plantations scattered
about the state. Perhaps part of Jesse James’ jealousy of Cole Younger
arose from the disparate economic status they enjoyed. In 1850 Robert
James journeyed to California in search of gold and wealth. Instead, he
met his fate only some four months along his sojourn. After his death,
Zarelda would wed Benjamin Simms. Simms’ niece, Augusta Innskeep married
one of Charles and Sarah Younger’s sons, Coleman Purcell Younger of
Clay County, Missouri before he moved out to California. Augusta’s
younger sister, Mary, married Martin Ringo. The son of Mary and Martin
Ringo was John Peters Ringo, who would become known as “Johnny Ringo”
and forever be associated with Tombstone, Arizona. Thus, the James Boys,
the Youngers, Johnny Ringo and the Dalton Gang were distant cousins by
The story, though brief, of Bruce Arthur Wilson Younger
and Myra Maybelle Reed, nee Shirley, does not lack in flair, intrigue,
and Mystery with a capital “M”. The recently widowed Mrs. Reed wed Bruce
Younger, as documented:
One Bruce Younger,
a Male aged 27 whose birth date was recorded as “abt 1853” on 15 May
1880 in Labette, Kansas wed one Maibelle Reed, documented by microfiche
Film Number 001433307.

No one seems to know what happened in the few weeks
‘twixt this date of wedded bliss and “Maibelle” Shirley Reed Younger’s
next marriage which would be documented a mere three weeks later when,
according to “U. S. and International Marriage Records” one Myra
Maybelle Shirley, a female born in Missouri about 1848 wed Samuel Starr,
born in Indiana in about 1857. This marriage to a Cherokee Indian of
the infamous Starr tribe was reputed to have taken place a mere three
weeks or so later, in 1880. Bruce Younger, for reasons unknown, had
hightailed it out of town and would disappear into the dust of history
for many years, arising – as it were – like the phoenix from the
ashes…or, well, from the dust of a cave where many believe his petrified
remains had lain, so well preserved the “rictus of agony” surrounding
his death was plainly writ upon his desicated visage.
Petrified Man Is Not the Body of Bruce Younger, as Alleged (News). The Galveston Daily News (Houston, TX)
Tuesday, March 14, 1893; pg. 6; Issue 355; col E . . . . . . . . . .
Dallas Morning News, February 28, 1943. Fifty Years Ago Today.
Gainesville. -- The identification of the petrified man by Mrs. John T.
Biffle, wife of a prominent cattleman of this county, as the body of
Bruce Younger is the sole topic of conversation again today. Nobody
doubts the lady's sincerity, but a great many think she might be
mistaken. Joshua Garham, an old and well-known citizen of Cooke County,
thinks the body is that of John Lankston, who left here for California
in 1848. . . . . . . . . . .
A sister of those ideal outlaws, the Younger brothers, lives in
Kansas City [i.e., Sophronia Kirkpatrick nee Younger]. She is married
and few know her identity. Even I did not know it until she addressed me
a letter yesterday, caused by the publication of a story that a
fossilized body supposed to be that of Bruce Younger had been found in a
cave in the Guadaloupe mountains, and had been identified by a sister
of Bruce living in Gainesville, Texas. The sister in Kansas City denies
the existence of such a woman. Bruce, says the sister, emphatically, was
never associated with the James Boys, and even if alive, Frank James
would not know him. But she claims that Bruce Younger died in Colorado
City and was buried in Colorado Springs 3 years ago last September. The
winter of 1885, she says, he was in Kansas City, and made his home with
her, under an assumed name, of course. Then he went west. The sister has
a postal card written by Bruce when he was first taken sick in
Colorado, and from his illness she says he never recovered. "I know what
I am saying" she says, "and if Bruce were alive now, he would only be
42 years old. I don't want to see my name in print, but if necessary you
may reveal my identity for the sake of the dead. As to Bruce, he never
was an outlaw. Bucks County Gazette, Bristol, Pennsylvania, Thursday,
April 27, 1893. Watertown Times, New York. Wednesday, May 10, 1893 . . .
. . . . . . .
There are a few, however, who know that one of the Younger Boys
is buried in Evergreen Cemetery this city. Bruce Younger, the youngest
of the family, died at Colorado City and was buried in September, 1880.
He had been living at Colorado City for a year or two and was a
prominent character among the sporting fraternity. He used his proper
name and it is said, he was never mixed up in the wrong doing of his
brothers. He was a powerful man physically and was notorious among his
acquaintances for the amount of whisky he could drink. At the time of
his death, he was without money, and the sporting people of Colorado
City supplied the funds for the burial, a notorious woman of the town
supplying the most. Colorado Springs Gazette, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, April 23,1893. . . . . . . . . . .
Bruce Arthur Wilson Younger
A very Young Belle Starr
News Clipping - Petrified Man
I guess the morale of this story is to be careful when you
stir those bones for you never know what ghostly (or ghastly, as it may
be) apparitions may arise.
Researched and Compiled by Melinda Cohenour
Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.