Sunday, March 1, 2015


She took her top down
Fancy car
She didn’t want me around
I wasn’t a rock n roll star

She took a free ride
Soon he died
Worlds and spirits collide 
She didn’t cry

I left home early
Could have been home late
She said take care at a quarter to eight

The festival was angry
The panic was setting in
The universe of masters
Never knowing where to begin 

She took her top down
In front of the bar
She didn’t notice me
I wasn’t a rising star

She took a free ride
Soon he died
Empty hearts and minds collide
They went for a ride

I left home early
Could have been home late
She said take care at a quarter to eight

The festival was angry
The panic was setting in
The universe of masters
Never knowing where to begin 

©2/8/15: Bruce Clifford

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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