Monday, December 1, 2014

Tying Up Loose Ends

Some people get so very sick
And pass away way too quick
Many of them don't get a chance to do and say
Much of what they need to before they pass away
Things that they should have done
Arguments they might have had with someone
Maybe a project they wanted to complete
Before the end that they did meet

It's not good to hold a grudge
When one of you just won't budge
Forgiveness is the way to go
Life's too short for a feuding show

On the Other Side, you'll review your lessons here on Earth
From the day you passed, going all the way back to your birth
Was there anything you could have changed
Something that could have been rearranged

Do it before your time comes to an end
Cherish each moment and the time you spend
Regrets should not follow you when you go
Finish the things that only you know

©Nov 17, 2014 Bud Lemire
Author Note:
Is there someone you had an argument with?
Make up with them and forgive them. We carry
those feelings with us and are forever wishing we
had done something while we were here. Is there
something you want to do before you pass. Do it
as soon as you can. Don't wait. Time goes by very
fast and tomorrow never comes, because when it gets
here, it is today, and when it passes, it is yesterday. So
do it today, so you won't have any regrets when it's your
time to go. Heaven may call you Home at anytime.

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.


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