Sunday, June 1, 2014

Food Spoils

If you're eating some food that doesn't taste right
Don't you even think of taking another bite
If it's kept for too long, it may have gone bad
Nothing lasts forever, which is kind of sad

 The food spoils after awhile
If eaten, causes some poisonous bile
Did someone give you this food to eat?
How will you know how long it's been in the heat

If the first bite doesn't taste right, use common sense
Don't eat any more, don't be so dense
Watching what you is the healthy thing to do
Use caution when food is given to you

Also remember there's an expiration date you can see
It's there for a reason, it's there for you and me
When unsure of the food you are eating
Then it's better if you were retreating

Be careful of all foods you consume
It could be as bad as a poisonous mushroom
How long to keep food is a fact you should know
And knowing when it's time to let those foods go

Don't you even think of taking another bite
If you're eating some food that doesn't taste right
©May 17, 2014 Bud Lemire
Remember it's your body, and use common sense.
You were given your senses so you would know.
Be very careful of what you put into your body.
If it's outdated or gone stale, it can do some really bad damage to your insides.
Learn the facts of how to store food, and when to throw it away.
Your life is important. Proceed with caution.

Click on Bud Lemire for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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