June 2014
Month of endings, school, cool weather and month of beginnings, warm or hot weather, summer school, vacations, and the big one: weddings. Still the top choice for brides, June weighs heavily in expectation, not just for the blushing participant but for all the rushing participants (they hope) such as the planners, the caterers, the photographers, the chapels - and other prime venues - all vying for the decision maker's attention. That person may not always be the bride, but her mother or the groom's mother, or the groom himself. In fact that may be his only way of receiving any notice in this event which will most likely be life changing. (One hopes it changes for the better, else, why bother?)
Though many fail to celebrate, there is also Flag Day in the USA. Since much of the population doesn't discern the different purposes of Memorial Day (to honor those deceased individuals who fought and died defending our nation) and Veterans Day ( giving appreciation to and for service by veterans, living or not) why should Flag Day make a ripple in anyone's activities? Because the Flag represents each person in any state or principality of the United States of America, living and dead. The banner of freedom, freedoms unavailable in much of the world, the rallying principal for uniting our diverse personalities for a common cause: Freedom. Different sources exist detailing proper display of this precious standard as well as for maintaining, raising or lowering, and eventually ceremonial disposal thereof. The VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), the American Legion, any branch of the military, the Federal Government, any state government, ROTC, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and all colleges and universities have such reference material. If you don't know about flag courtesy, you have no excuse for not educating yourself and your children.
So make of the month what works for you but do so responsibly and correctly and include time for the pleasure of reading Pencil Stubs. Remember, not only the current issue is accessible, but the archives contain a wealth of reading entertainment. Simply click the byline of an author you enjoy to browse their other compositions. Sixteen plus years and over 500 authors offer an intriguing variety.
The article "Yay! I'm Walking" by Meg Wolff, an amputee due to bone cancer many years ago, tells about her success with a new prosthesis. Incidentally, Meg is married to Tom, brother of Peg Jones who does the column "Angel Whispers." Peg shares angelic messages for this month that are good advice for any season.
The new column "Merlin Insights" comes to us from England, authored by Merlin, whose website is www.themerlinenergy.com. Many in the spiritual community are familiar with his work which seeks to enlighten and uplift his readers. Welcome! Mattie Lennon (Irish Eyes) reports on some of the events taking place at the Listowel Writer's Week in Dublin.
Michael John Fierro, "By The Numbers" is on vacation, but his column space gives the reader a chance to access his other columns. He will be back for the July issue. Judy Kroll aka Featherwing expresses her appreciation for all the benefits of a forest. She demonstrates by her life how gratitude aids us in staying "On Trek."
Thomas F. O'Neill in "Introspective" advises that we keep in mind the cultural differences between the East and West, especially, as China’s influence expands, and our relationship with the nation grows in importance. John I. Blair's column "Always Looking - Focus on Flowers," does a show and tell of his personal hobby of Container Gardening.
Here is list of Blair's poetry this month: "In Love with Flowers," "Encounter with A Gecko," "At The Sea's Edge," "All The Lonely People," "Love Lost," and "This Way to The Egrets." Bruce Clifford shares "Open Road," and "I Don't Want You Around."
Bud Lemire's four poems are "Food Spoils," "Think Positive," "Corn on The Cob," and "Cam & Foz: Summer's End."
Bethany Davies submitted these: "True Beauty," "Wounded and Healed," "Our Love Like The Stars," and "Happily Ever After." Robert Beaty aka pbobby has had many family losses the last few years and his poem, "The Leaves" is a caring reflection.
Mark Crocker aka Rabbo will be sending an installment of his latest serialized tale about Lexi for July's issue, however you can check out the story so far by using the links under Stories in this issue. .
This brings us to a total of eight columns, 17 poems, and one victorious article for your reading pleasure. We are always grateful for our beloved webmaster Mike Craner without whom we would not be online. Thanks again, Mike.
It just keeps getting hotter in Texas, but look for us in July.
Click on Mary E. Adair
for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
issue appears in the ezine at www.pencilstubs.com and also in the blog
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