Thursday, May 1, 2014

Editor's Corner

May 2014

The month of your editor's birth many years ago, setting her amidst the various Taurians who guided and/or affected her life including some who continue doing so to this day. Mother's birth was put down on her legal birth certificate as both May 6 and May 7 as she was born at midnight and there was some unsettled legislation about 'Wilson's Time' being in effect at the time.

The late Leo C. Helmer's birthday was May 18, and his daughter Mary Ann Heisler was born on his birthday, a joy forever to him. Grandchildren and Great-grands and fiance's have been added to the family with May birthdays, a few falling into the latter part of the month marking them as natives of Gemini. Some dear friends share the May 8 date of birth with your editor although all fall many years later than her own. Suffice it to say, the world moves upon the energy of natives of all signs, but were there no Taurians, it would not progress as well, in this writer's humble, or not so humble, opinion. Now you have permission to laugh.

Spring has sprung some new authors into Pencil Stubs Online, including one of your editor's great grandchildren, Bethany Davies, who submitted two poems previously shown on her Facebook page notes, and on her blog, Altogether Beautiful. Her photo is shown with her bio which, as for all the authors, can be accessed by clicking their byline. Thank you for sharing with us, Bethany!

Michael John Fierro (By the Numbers) brings us numerological references to where we live, starting with the very number of our residence. Interesting subject.

Mattie Lennon, (Irish Eyes) discusses the sports addicts and those who are NOT that fond of such in "World Cup Fever." Thomas F. O'Neill in "Introspective" updates the reader on Chinese techniques in business employing the technology of 3-D printing.

John I. Blair's column "Always Looking - People Who Made A Difference XVII, tells of the dedication and accomplishments of Mary Rice Livermore. His poetry (two done in the triplet format) for May is, "Toadsong," "Leap of Faith," and "A Box of Rocks."

Bud Lemire shows up as the most prolific poet this issue with five ranging from poignant to inducing the reader with pangs of conscience. His "Content" chimes with how your editor feels, and "The Twin Flame Souls" hits the heart strings. "Comfort In A Friend," "Disease Distance," and "The Grudge" speak in the guise of those needing our compassion.

Riva Joi Smith gives us "Names," Bruce Clifford sent in "It Rained Today," while Bethany Davies adds two: "Society's Downfall" and "Who Is He." Twelve poems for the May readers.

Mark Crocker aka Rabbo continues his latest serialized tale about Lexi, or perhaps you remember her as "she who must be obeyed" and perhaps you also are acquainted with one of her relatives. Cayce B. Shelton shares his "Encounter" which was edited by his former professor, at a junior college in Dallas.

Mike Craner, our patient webmaster keeps us online and for that we are forever grateful! We continue to appreciate our authors and look forward to their future compositions. It is a joy to know that many who started out publishing in our ezine have become published book authors. Both experienced and beginning writers find Pencilstubs a good vehicle for finding and keeping their audience.

June will find us right here in Pencil Stubs Online!

Click on Mary E. Adair for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
This issue appears in the ezine at and also in the blog with the capability of adding comments at the latter.

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