November 2013
That is actually what the Cardinals did trying to win the World Series again this year. However, though they are the only team to win 19 League championships, victory eluded them this year due to in large part, the extreme desire the Boston Red Sox exhibited so well.
One must realize that desire is often the key to the attainment of many things in this life, and don't let it fade or fall by the wayside if you would be the winner. When that desire is to put out one of the best loved art and literary ezines online, one must have a whole team working for the same goal. Our authors, columnists, poets, and storytellers always put their words in place to help. There is a glow that comes with such integrity, and they should all know how much their efforts are appreciated. Beginning with the webmaster, Michael Craner, all fill a special need to give our readers an eclectic, well balanced magazine. Thank you, Writers!
A special link here, provided by Michael John Fierro to offer writers a chance to compete: stepping up this issue are Peg Jones (Angel Whispers) who includes some of her poetry, Mattie Lennon, (Irish Eyes) who introduces an interesting new author, Michael John Fierro (By the Numbers) who details the numerological aspects of November and offers his suggestions for using numerology in the field of Education, Thomas F. O'Neill (Introspective) who gives us a glimpse of Halloween in China. Judith Kroll (On Trek) says " I have been so busy with my friend, and other things, I totally spaced the time. I am sending you an artilce about love and friends, and you can use that if you wish...For as many people as I know, that pass, and all I know about the process, and where they go and what they do once they pass..Which is really a beautiful thing..It doesn't get any easier letting them go." We are missing John Blair's column "Always Looking" and his poetry, but realize the Blairs now have an especially busy time of year personally and health-wise.
The Short Screenplay Challenge 2013
The Short Screenplay Challenge is a competition that challenges writers around the world to create original screenplays no longer than 5 pages based on a genre, location, and object assignments.
Phillip Hennessy's poems are: "I'm Looking for Your Love," "No compromise," and "I'm Dying of Shame." Bruce Clifford's three are: "Out of The Blue," "In The Blue," and "I Bet You Don't Remember." Bud Lemire sent some thought provoking, contemplative poems: "Moral Support," "Mother Knows," "My Photographer's Lament," "After Death: Our Soul Life Continues," "Chemo Effects," and "Through The Eyes of A Quad."
Mark Crocker introduces "Lexi" his new serialized story this month. It appears to be about a cat so your editor will be certain to read it for any hints to handle Majestic. Also happy with that new addition to the household, Majestic aka Jessie. (See pic below.)
If you weren't feeling Thankful before, you may find your sense of gratitude after reading some of this poetry. Some serious thoughts this month, and your editor is grateful to be out of the hospital and on the mend again.
May everyone find some gratitude in time for Thanksgiving, and have a wonderful family time for that holiday. Enjoy!
Look for us in December!
Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
issue appears in the ezine at and also in the blog with the capability of adding comments at the

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