Irish Eyes
- Since you are reading this you probably have some interest in
Ireland and/or things Irish. I suggest that as soon as you finish
reading Pencilstubs you go to (See photo at bottom of
- There you will find an internet TV network that will tell you
all you want to know about our green and misty island and its people. An Lar TV embraces all aspects of Irish life. If you are
interested in culture, heritage, history, language music and the arts
they have something for you.
- It’s available on your computer, laptop, smart or android device, through media streaming players and XBMC technology.
- An Lar is on the air 24/7. On the main channel you’ll find
Irish drama and comedy. The Rock channel brings you the best Rock
musicians on the planet and you can visit
- The Trad Music Channel broadcasts Ireland traditional and folk music which is famous around the world.
- And . . . the next generation is not forgotten. There is a
channel designed specifically for children and young people featuring
programmes made for and by Irish kids. Cartoons, documentaries and all
kinds of fun is available on
deals with literature, poetry and dance and anything that could be
deemed art. It’s all there; from the Irish Museum of Modern Art to
Siamsa Tire to the Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra.
- It regularly brings live broadcasts from a variety of events around Ireland and upcoming events are listed.
- Operations Director, Susanne Carpenter and her team are not
resting on their laurels. They have more channels in the pipeline and,
in conjunction with CIE Writers’ Group, they are now working on a
documentary "The Famine Pot." Much has been written about the potato
famine in Ireland in the 1840s. However, up to now, one aspect of it has
been almost ignored by authors and film makers. The part played by
Christian Churches in setting up “Soup-kitchens” has been largely
air-brushed out of our history.
- This documentary will be shown on An Lar and it is
planned to put it into schools at home and abroad. The producers would
welcome the help of readers. If anyone has a picture or drawing with an
“Irish famine flavour “ they are asked to scan it and email it to:
- They are also depending on sponsorship and donations would be welcome from any member of the Irish Diaspora.
- All contributors will be listed in the credits.
- The Motto of An Lar is: Watch it, Be Part of It, or in Irish Feach Air, Bi mar Chuid de!.
They always welcome new contributors and information on how to become involved is on their website. And the good news is there are more channels on the way. Websites:
- And they are waiting to hear from you. Here’s their invitation:
As our name suggests, An Lár TV is TV with an Irish Flavour. Our aim is to provide a platform for Irish communities to share information and entertainment. Our ethos is one of inclusiveness, and we are open to work with anyone who wishes to share their message with our audience. Our primary caveat is that content should be suitable for a general audience and should not contain any offensive material.If you have programming content that you would like to broadcast, or have interesting proposals for new content, please contact : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call us at 00 353 1 486 55 66 How to Submit Content
Thanks again,
An Lár Tv
Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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