Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Time to learn Chinese

Well the summer is over and I’m back to teaching at the Suzhou International Foreign Language School. The semesters go by very quickly here in China and each class I teach is so uniquely different. It is mostly due to the student makeup. The students seem quite curious and somewhat reserved when they first appear in my classroom but within a few weeks they open up and are full of questions. They each hold various opinions about everything under the sun. I enjoy the lively discussions about culture in general and the role language plays in our cultural development.

When foreigners like me enter a foreign land where English is not the native vernacular a part of our self seems somewhat cut off and I mean that literally. This is especially true in China because the Chinese do not use a written alphabet they use symbols that go back thousands of years. Long before us Schuylkill County coal cracker folk in Northeastern Pennsylvania walked the earth.

We take our native language for granted each time we turn on the radio or the TV. When we go out to see a movie or watch a live performance in a theater part of the enjoyment comes from our language.

I tell my students at the beginning of each semester, “I arrived in your country as an illiterate immigrant because I cannot speak or read your language. I still have difficulties but I have learned ways to overcome some of those obstacles.”

My students always ask me how I get around the City not being able to speak Chinese fluently. I explained to them some technological tricks I use in communicating with the Suzhou locals. “I use the Google translator on my Blackberry Cell phone” I said to them, “but sometimes I still stumble because Suzhou people have their own native dialect and simplified Chinese doesn’t always cut it.”

Once I told my class a story about a frustrating experience I had at a China Mobile office. “No one at that office could speak a word of English,” I told them. “I got so frustrated that I called a China Unicom customer service number that has an English support line. I politely asked the woman on the phone if she could please translate for me. The woman I was speaking to was 2,900 miles away in Beijing, China.” When the students stopped laughing I continued the story.

“What made the situation even more amusing, China Unicom, as you all know is China Mobile’s major competitor. I politely told the woman on the phone what I needed from China Mobile. What I needed was China Mobile’s office address in Chinese. So that the next time I needed to put money on my phone I could just show the taxi driver the Chinese address. That would be the most simplified way of getting there. I talked slowly to the China Unicom English customer service woman. Then I handed my phone to the woman sitting in front of me at the China Mobile office. The woman doing the translating was quite helpful but somewhat confused as to why I was asking her to translate for me I was after all in Suzhou China in a China Mobile office of all places.”

The students laughed at that story and various other stories of my inability to communicate in Chinese. A hand shot up, “Teacher” she said, “why don’t you take the time to learn Chinese?”

“I realize now,” I said to my students, “I need a tutor to help me with my language impediment.”

“I don’t see why you don’t learn Chinese” Donna my prized student said to me.

“The number one cause of failure in life is procrastination” I said to the class, “I need to stop procrastinating and make the time to study Chinese, especially, when I consider the fact that I want to remain living here.”

On my last day of teaching before my summer break Donna came up to me after class, “Mr. Tom,” she said, “you are the fattest teacher I ever had and the funniest person I’ve ever known. I’m going to miss you very much.”

I told her she has such a bright future because her personality shines. She was truly my prized student for that semester. Her term paper was written on the cultural differences between the Pennsylvania Coal Region and the Jiangsu, Province in China. Every evening she read various Newspapers, the Standard Speaker, the Republican Herald, and the News Item online - Newspapers that cover the Pennsylvania Coal region.

One day she came up to me before class all frustrated with printed pages of online Blog Comments, “I don’t understand,” she said to me on the verge of tears.

“What don’t you understand,” I asked.

“The comments,” she said in a flustered voice.

“I hope this didn’t keep you up all night,” I said with some amusement in my voice. I then read over some of the highlighted comments. I couldn’t help but to laugh but not at her at the comments.

“See,” she said in an upset voice, “you understand them.”

“Those comments don’t make any sense to you because they are not proper English,” I said to her.

I pointed out to her the atrocious spelling, the bad grammar, the run on sentences, and not to mention the lack of cohesive thought in the various comments.

“Ignore the comments you don’t understand,” I said to her, “and use the comments you do understand.”

Most of my students have mastered formal English and they try extremely hard to learn English slang and American Idioms. They enjoy watching American and British movies and television programs. They absolutely love the western culture.

Donna said to me in her first week in my class, “Mr. Tom, you don’t have a typical American accent.”

“I know,” I said, “I have a typical coal cracker accent.” I then went on to explain to the class about the Pennsylvania Coal region. Donna later told me that was the reason she chose to do her term paper on that particular area of the world. She said my manner of speech got her interested in the area.

Her term paper was extremely well written. She was blunt about the coal region’s attitude about illegal immigration. She compared the negative online comments about illegal immigration to the China government’s attitude toward North Korean defectors.

China prior to the Beijing Olympics gave North Koreans asylum in China. North Korea, however, made an issue of it and China did not want the issue raised during the 2008 Olympics. All the North Koreans and their entire families were deported back to their home country to face years of hard labor.

Some North Koreans are lucky enough to make it across the China boarder undetected. They then cross into Laos’ and seek asylum in South Korea. This is a long and treacherous journey for many North Korean families.

They chose to make the journey with an undeterred determination so that their children will have better lives and better opportunities. Many illegal immigrants cross over into America with similar dreams for their children.

I received a telephone call over the summer from Donna via the internet. She had been awarded a Scholarship to Princeton University for graduate studies in International affairs. She said half jokingly my class prepared her for the Princeton University’s way of talking.

No words could ever express the feeling that came over me at the moment when she said, “Thank you, Mr. Tom, for being our teacher.”

Always with love from Suzhou, China
Thomas F O’Neill, Shenandoah Native

Phone: (800) 272-6464
China Cell: 86-15114565945

(800) 272-6464
China Cell: 8615114565945

Skype: thomas_f_oneill


Other articles, short stories, and commentaries by Thomas F. O'Neill can be found at the links below.




Click on Thomas F. O'Neill for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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